Mar 2, 2021

Priority sidewalks and cycling routes considered for construction over the next 10 years

At Committee of the Whole on March 1st, Colwood Council members made it clear they are anxious to see action on new sidewalks as proposed in an updated Active Transportation Plan. The plan includes lists of proposed priority streets considered for new sidewalks and cycling lanes. The lists were generated from routes previously identified for upgrade in the City's Transportation Master Plan and that, from a community planning perspective, best meet the community's needs.

Sections of the following streets were recommended for new sidewalks over the next 10 years: Metchosin Road and Painter Road (both scheduled for construction this year), Latoria Road, Lagoon Road, Metchosin Road, Kelly Road, Benhomer Road, Owens Road, Veterans Memorial Parkway, Hagel Road, Milburn Drive, Fulton Road and Haida Drive. Recommendations are also made for new cycling infrastructure in locations throughout the City.

The proposed projects have varying degrees of cost and complexity, based on specifics such as storm water drainage, street tree preservation and driveway and intersection alignments. More details are available in the Active Transportation Summary Report that was presented to Council.

Scoping and scheduling projects in a financially responsible way that best meets community need

The list of priority projects is likely to be reordered and finalized by Council at an upcoming meeting, then budget capacity will have to be created to support the projects that Council approves. The list of projects the City would like to complete is long and choices will need to be made about the order and timing.

A project scoping process will help determine the design and details for each project. Timing may be coordinated to align with new developments or other infrastructure projects. Public input will be an important part of the project scoping process before each route's detailed design is undertaken. 

Steps to enhance safety and maintain neighbourhood charm throughout Colwood

Neighbourhood and community safety, comfort, and quality is always a priority of the City. While new sidewalks are being built, the City will also pilot a variety of traffic calming measures on roadways such as Milburn Drive and several others in an effort to reduce vehicle speeds and increase the comfort and safety of our streets.

Part of the charm of Colwood is that we have a wide range of neighbourhoods that were all built in different times with different priorities. While newer streets may have sidewalks, bike lanes, lighting, and the deep utilities of storm, water, and sewer, many established neighbourhoods are rich in mature trees, landscaping and the charm of a bygone era. Care will need to be taken to create improvements while preserving the special nature of these well-loved streets and neighbourhoods.

Read about many other transportation initiatives in the works, from traffic monitoring to transit improvements and intersection upgrades at

Watch for the Council discussion

More to come on this! Watch for this matter to be scheduled on an upcoming Council agenda at Subscribe for meeting and news updates by email at


Read the March 10, 2021 update: Council sets priority routes for the first round of new sidewalks and bike lanes

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Media Contact

Sandra Russell, Communications Manager

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