Enjoy the outdoors while maintaining social distance

Enjoy the outdoors, take a walk around your neighbourhood, go for a bike ride or dig into the garden while practicing strict social distancing by staying 2 metres apart. 

Breathe deeply and stay grounded

  • Do 20 minutes of yoga.
  • Calm your mind with a free app like Head Space.
  • Listen to this outstanding playlist featuring talented Victoria musicians. Victoria Quarantunes
  • Read a free e-book with your GVPL library card on the Cloud Library.
  • Plant some seeds in your garden.
  • Try a new recipe

Take advantage of free online learning

Stay connected with online social interactions

  • Join the virtual party with live streaming music, arts and culture. Social Distancing Festival
  • Host a video games night with friends and family
  • Send a thank you to someone you appreciate (either virtually or physically)
  • Post photos and positive reviews of your favourite local businesses on Google