When: Monday, October 28 to November 30, 2024
Time: Daily between 7:00 am and 5:30 pm
Where: Metchosin Road between Royal Commons and Ryder Hesjedal Way
What: Water main construction along the east side of Metchosin Road
Water main works will be occurring along the east side of Metchosin Road between Royal Commons and Ryder Hesjedal Way.
This work will allow for installation of a new hydrant on the east side of Metchosin Road to support fire safety at the Beachlands. Water services will be installed at the same time.
Most of the works will be constructed along the shoulder or on private lands; therefore, Traffic Control Personnel (TCP) will only be on site when necessary.
Two-way traffic will be maintained as often as possible with some limited single lane alternating traffic when necessary. For the water works that cross Metchosin Rd, single lane alternating traffic will be implemented over a three-day period during which some delays are expected. See attached maps for water crossing location.
All emergency vehicles will be given immediate and priority access through the job site at all times. At the end of each workday, travel lanes and sidewalks are scheduled to be re-opened for public use.
For the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, please obey the on-site TCPs as well as the posted signage.
BC Transit buses #54 travels the section of Metchosin Road affected by the work there will be no schedule impacts to any BC Transit bus stops.
The main scope of works will be occurring on the east side of the road where there is no existing sidewalk, so minimal pedestrian disruption is expected. Short term disruption to the sidewalk on the west side of Metchosin Road is expected. There will be traffic control personnel on site during this time to assist pedestrians as necessary.
The works will impact the northbound bike lane along the east side of Metchosin Road. Cyclists will have the option to share the travel lane “Take the Lane” or dismount their bicycles and proceed as pedestrians.
Work Zone location map

General Traffic Control & Signage Maps

Contact for the works
Hall Constructors, Vancouver Island
Jared Hicks – 250-252-5465 – jhisks@bdhall.ca
After Hours Emergency Contact:
Jared Hicks – 250-252-5465 – jhisks@bdhall.ca