PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Section 26 of the Community Charter that the City of Colwood intends to dispose in fee simple, by way of a land exchange agreement to Latoria South Development LP, the west portion of the subject property, 3698 Metchosin Road (outlined with a thick black line on the map below), with the City retaining ownership of the east portion of the subject property, that is legally described as follows:
Legal Description: LOT A, SECTION 51 52 & 53, ESQUIMALT LAND DISTRICT, PLAN VIP58414
Parcel ID: 018-998-721

The subject property is bisected by Metchosin Road comprising of a west portion of 3.531 ha (8.725 acres) and an east portion of 0.691 ha (1.707 acres). In exchange, the City would receive a cash donation towards the future Colwood Community Centre and two parcels of land, totalling 1.93 ha (4.76 Acres), located next to Phase 1 of Quarry Park in Royal Bay with a total combined value up to $12,000,000.
For more information on the proposed property disposition, please visit Securing Land for a Colwood Community Centre