NOTICE IS GIVEN that Council of the City of Colwood will consider First and Second Reading on Monday, November 25, 2024, at 6:30pm in relation to the proposed “Colwood Land Use Bylaw No. 151, 1989, Amendment No. 214 (RBCD1 – 499 Royal Bay Dr), Bylaw No. 2035, 2024”.
PURPOSE: This application proposes a text amendment to the RBCD1 zone to increase the detached residential density from 119 to 130 to enable an 11-lot subdivision.
SUBJECT PROPERTY: This Bylaw applies to the lands legally described as “LOT 31, SECTION 40, ESQUIMALT LAND DISTRICT, PLAN VIP75021” (499 ROYAL BAY DR).

INSPECTION OF MATERIALS: Copies of the proposed bylaw and related materials can be viewed here [PDF/4.4MB].
We want to hear from you!
Write to us:
The deadline for written submissions is 12:00 pm on the day of the meeting and must include your name and civic address.
Mail/Drop-off: City of Colwood, 3300 Wishart Road, Colwood, BC V9C 1R1
In Person: The public is welcome to provide comments in person during the public participation portion of the meeting.
Electronically: To pre-register to speak please contact up until noon on the day of the meeting.
Contact Development Services at (250) 294-8153 or