Colwood's Low Carbon Resilience plan will be our community's pathway to prepare for and manage the impacts of a changing climate while also reducing our contributions to the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.

We need to continue to rethink and reduce our emissions, from how we heat and cool our buildings, to how we get around, and how we dispose of our waste.

The draft plan focuses on addressing both our emissions and our adaptations in a way that will multi-solve — for example, home heating solutions that lower greenhouse gas emissions while also saving homeowners money on heating costs over the long term. Or urban forest management that helps to mitigate heatwaves, sequester greenhouse gases, guard against flooding, filter air pollution, and provide wildlife corridors, while at the same time providing mental and physical health benefits and increasing home values by the beauty they provide.

Review the Low Carbon Resilience presentation to Council at their meeting on November 14, 2022.

The plan includes five pathways that detail 13 strategies and 53 specific tactics our community can take to advance our Low Carbon goals:

  • Pathway 1: Strong Municipal Leadership on Low Carbon Resilient Solutions
  • Pathway 2: Low Carbon Transportation and Connected, Complete Communities
  • Pathway 3: Low Carbon and Resilient Buildings and Infrastructure
  • Pathway 4: Connected Urban and Natural Systems
  • Pathway 5: Thriving Circular Economy and Eco-Innovation Hub

Learn more and watch for opportunities to provide input at