100 Women Who Care West Shore is designed to make an immediate, direct, and positive effect on the lives of our neighbours by bringing together 100+ women who are passionate about contributing to local community causes. The group meets for 1 hour, (over tea, coffee, or wine) and after listening to three presentations, we vote on the local charity or non-profit organization that will receive our donations for that night. Every woman writes a cheque to the selected organization, and watches how the group's commitment turns into a $10,000+ donation!
Join the September 19, 2024 Event!
Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Time: 7:00 to 8:00 pm
Place: Royal Colwood Golf Club
Doors open at 6:00pm for registration, meet and greet, and refreshments.
For more information visit the 100 Women Who Care West Shore Facebook page.

To register visit 100womenwestshore.com
If you're interested in helping to sponsor future events, please connect with 100womenwestshore@gmail.com