Hey Good Neighbour, thanks for stopping by! 

Colwood’s Good Neighbour program is a resident-led effort to help neighbours connect and support one another, and to build a resilient neighbourhood. This is achieved by encouraging residents to get to know each other, largely through activities organized by you, a Neighbourhood Program leader. 

Below is a collection of activity ideas you can do (safely) with your neighbours that will support individual and community well-being. Some activities may require additional approvals.

  • Eat your boulevard - this project can transform the entire neighbourhood boulevard into edible gardens! Some initial investment in wood for the garden boxes, soil, and seeds or starter plants will be required. Look for salvaged materials available (Link). This is a great way to increase food security, learn about gardening, share an activity with neighbours, and beautify the neighbourhood. Visit GrowingFood-Together.com for gardening tips.
  • Map and harvest fruit trees with your neighbours - get together with your neighbours to identify existing fruit trees in your area. If there are none, identify places to plant new ones on your street! Make a plan to care for the trees and harvest the fruit together. Visit LifeCyclesProject.ca for tips. 
  • Raise and share neighbourhood chickens - scout a location in your neighbourhood suitable for a chicken coop (consider local faith-based organizations, too). Share the responsibility for maintenance and care with your neighbours, and get fresh eggs and new friends in return! Click here to learn more about backyard chickens.
  • Take a plant - leave a plant - visit a Little Free Plant and Seed Stand, recipient of a Colwood Create Places grant, and take either seeds, plants, or some of the garden harvest available. Make sure to leave behind a plant or some seeds from your garden.