A Public Hearing is scheduled for Monday, February 10, 2020 to provide an opportunity for public feedback.

Subject: Heritage Designation Bylaw of Colwood Dairy & Cheese House (468 Goldstream Avenue)
Date:  Monday, February 10, 2020 at 6:45 pm
Place: Council Chambers, Colwood City Hall, 3300 Wishart Road, Colwood BC

The general purpose of the proposed Bylaw No. 1791, 2019 is to enable heritage protection to the Diary and Cheese house located at 468 Goldstream Avenue.

As proposed, this bylaw would only apply to the land legally described as Lot A, Section 1, Esquimalt District, Plan EPP96047 (PID: 030-911-605) as highlighted by the map in the notice linked below. 

As proposed, this heritage designation bylaw enables protection to the Dairy and Cheese house under section 611 of the Local Government Act, and for the purpose of section 11(2)(c), this bylaw also applies to the Colwood Dairy and Cheese House's original brick floor, and the drainage system associated with that floor.

A copy of the proposed bylaw and other related materials may be inspected at City Hall from January 27, 2020 until February 10, 2020 between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm,  Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays.

Written submissions must be received before 12:00 pm on Monday, February 10, 2020. Written comments received after the above deadline will not be received or considered by Council, unless delivered by you or your representative at the Hearing.

For further information, please contact the Long Range Planning and Sustainability Department at 250-294-8153 or publichearing@colwood.ca.

What is a Public Hearing?

A Public Hearing is a vital part of Council’s review when applications are made to change the City’s Official Community Plan or Land Use Bylaw. It provides the public with a way to present their views to Council on items contained in the public hearing agenda. It is not a question and answer period. The Public Hearing is Council’s opportunity to listen to members of the public to hear their views or receive their written submissions on items contained in the public hearing agenda. Council is not able to discuss and debate the topic at the public hearing.

Learn more about Public Hearings

Read the full public notice at the link below: